PASSION: A Good Friday Experience (7:00 PM)
***PLEASE NOTE*** Due to the overwhelming response to this performance, attendees that do not have a reserved ticket will be seated in our overflow areas that include the MultiPurpose Room or Jazzbird. Seating in Ravenscroft Hall is designated for patrons who have obtained reserved general admission tickets in advance.
We recommend your entire party arrive at the same time to help keep your group together as best as possible. We will do our best to accommodate everyone for the event.
Passion: A Good Friday Experience, features a dramatic reading from the Gospel of John, moving musical interludes and compelling projected visuals in the beautifully appointed Ravenscroft Hall in Scottsdale. Two presentations of this special event are scheduled for Friday, April 7th at 4 p.m. and at 7 p.m.
The “passion” of Christ refers to the sufferings Jesus endured to redeem the world, from His agony in the garden until His death on Calvary. The Passion Narratives found in the New Testament are commonly read by a group of people, each taking one or more “parts” in the style of a dramatic reading.
This program is presented by MSW Ministries, a private operating foundation committed to “Serving God’s Word and inviting people to Christ through music, media, outreach, technology and teaching.” www.msw.org
Artists participating on stage in Passion: A Good Friday Experience will include: Vicki McDermitt (vocals), Chris Mack (vocals and spoken word), Evan Nickols (spoken word), Richard Parrish (spoken word), Mary Petrich (soprano saxophone), Russell Schmidt (keyboards), Ben Hedquist (bass), and Rob Moore (drums).
This event is completely FREE to the public, and takes place in the state-of-the-art Ravenscroft Hall. Advance general admission tickets are recommended due to limited seating.
Tickets can be obtained free of charge here: https://brushfire.com/ravenscroft/goodfriday23-7pm/549228
Ravenscroft is an outreach of MSW Ministries and is dedicated to presenting creativity that gives glory to God.

Click the button to be sent directly to our ticketing page to reserve your seats now!